El club de Bilderberg: una sociedad secreta
de la gente más rica y más influyente
conspiración alcanzar un gobierno del mundo
D. Estulin
La aplicación de noviembre el diciembre de 2005 el abrelatas del ojo de Kingston (caja 3514, Kingston, ENCENDIDO, Canadá, K7L 5J9) publicó una entrevista del redactor Geoff Matthews con Daniel Estulin, comunicaciones entrenando al especialista, que escribió un libro en el Bilderbergers:
Daniel, podría tú definir por favor Bilderberg para nuestros lectores.
Bilderberg es una no persona, sino una idea. Es una idea centrada en la opinión del hombre como intrínseco mal. La humanidad no puede ganar su libertad del synarchism a menos que derrote el idealismo que representa. Es la idea que crea las políticas del estado que rasgan encima de las constituciones más altas y arrastran humanidad en guerra de la posición más alta de la energía. Ése es porqué debe ser reconocido que la Segunda Guerra Mundial no se ha ganado en términos verdaderos. Habían traído un solo hombre y su pandilla abajo en esta guerra en un coste de cientos millones de vidas perdidos, pero la idea detrás de ellos no había sido derrotada. La idea ahora ha venido al gallinero en América, y ha infestado su plataforma del negocio, su economía, sus instituciones para aprender, y finalmente, su posición más alta del gobierno.
La reunión de 2006 del Bilderbegers ocurrió del 8 al 10 de junio en el hotel de Brookstreet, en Ottawa, Canadá. Los oficiales de policía de Ottawa estaban parado a protector fuera de las puertas de los docena metales que sirvieron como puntos de comprobación de la seguridad al medio kilómetro del hotel. Pero para acercar a la característica del hotel, incluso los oficiales uniformados tuvieron que demostrar sus credenciales a la media docena hombres negro-satisfechos que trabajaban para una firma de seguridad privada empleada por el Bilderbergers.
Representaron algunos de asistentes relativos a este año en la página delantera del ciudadano de Ottawa: de izquierda a derecha, primera fila: David Rockefeller, fundador de la Comisión trilátera y del presidente anterior de Chase Manhattan Bank; McKenna franco, primero ministro anterior de Nuevo Brunswick y ex-embajador a los E.E.U.U.; Gordon Nixon, presidente y CEO del banco real de Canadá; segunda fila: James Wolfensohn, presidente anterior del banco mundial; Richard Perle, secretaria de la defensa auxiliar a presidente Reagan de los E.E.U.U. y consejero de actual presidente Bush; Reina Beatrix de los Países Bajos
¿Quién era el individuo más prominente implicado con la fundación del Bilderbergers?
Sin una duda, José Retinger, 33ro masón del grado. Él era el ayudante político a general Sikorski, y servido para el polaco Londres-basada gobierno-en-exiliar. Además, en la edad de 58, él se lanzó en paracaídas en territorio Alemán-ocupado fuera de Varsovia para algunas misiones del sabotaje.
Debido a su carrera del alto-perfil, en los años 50 él podía crear contactos con los funcionarios militares de la alto-graduación numerosa y los líderes políticos. Su puntería principal era unir el mundo en paz. Su dividendo de la paz era estar bajo control de organizaciones supranacionales, de gran alcance. Él creyó que tales organizaciones serían inmunes de los conflictos ideológicos a corto plazo que entran en erupción entre los gobiernos. A Retinger, era insignificante qué dominó la ideología económica de un país. Él creyó que estas diferencias se podrían traer en línea por las organizaciones multinacionales de gran alcance que dictaban y que aplicaban políticas económicas y militares de gran alcance, de tal modo creando una unión y un enlace entre las naciones.
¿Oh realmente!? Pensé que era príncipe Bernhard de Holanda que fundó realmente a club secreto.
Bernhard era un muchacho del cartel. Una cara bonita y una fachada. En 1952, Retinger acercados Bernhard con una oferta para que una conferencia secreta implique a los líderes de la OTAN en una discusión abierta y franca sobre asuntos internacionales detrás de puertas cerradas. Príncipe Bernhard, cuando, era una figura importante en la industria de petróleo y llevó a cabo una posición importante en el petróleo holandés real (aceite de Shell), así como Société Générale de Belgique - una corporación global de gran alcance.
¿De qué maneras (gente, instituciones, etc.) están las decisiones del club “networked” y remitido en el nivel de organizaciones internacionales, de los medios, de los bancos, de los estados y de los gobiernos de una manera que pueden ser puestas en ejecución?
Sabes, por todas partes miras - gobierno, negocio grande, y cualquier otra institución que intenta ejercitar energía - la llave eres secreto. Las reuniones tales como las de la organización para la cooperación y el desarrollo económicos (la OCDE), el G-8, la organización del comercio mundial, el foro económico del mundo, los bancos centrales, el Consejo de Ministros europeo y la Comisión del EU, cumbres del EU, reuniones de la unión del gabinete del gobierno, numerosas piensan tanques, el etc., se conducen siempre detrás de puertas cerradas. La única razón posible de esto es que no quisieran que tú y yo supiéramos hasta cuáles son realmente. Que excusa bien nacida para guardar cosas debajo de los abrigos - “no es en los medios del interés público” realmente que no está en el interés de las energías que sean que el público debe saber.
No obstante hay, además, una red de foros privados y las reuniones que ocurren donde el principio del secreto extiende a los foros y a las reuniones ellos mismos - generalmente, incluso no sabemos que están ocurriendo, aún menos se está planeando y se está discutiendo qué.
Hay el foro económico del mundo en Davos en enero/febrero, el Bilderberg y las reuniones G8 en junio/julio, y la conferencia anual del banco de IMF/World en septiembre. Una clase de consenso internacional emerge y se transporta a partir de la una que satisface al siguiente. Pero nadie realmente que la conduce. Este consenso se convierte en el fondo para los comunicados oficiales económicos G8; se convierte en qué informa al FMI cuando impone un programa de ajuste ante la Argentina; y se convierte en lo que propone el presidente de los E.E.U.U. al congreso.
¿Con qué otros centros internacionales de la energía/de la autoridad el club coopera y en qué aspecto?
Bilderberg controla el FMI, el banco mundial, la O.N.U, todos los bancos centrales europeos. Cada comisión europea prominente tiene contemporáneamente u otra assistió a una reunión de Bilderberger. Cada secretaria general de la OTAN es un Bilderberger. Ves contra cuáles somos para arriba.
¿Hay otros centros de la energía/de la autoridad que se consideren enfrente de/rival al club? ¿Si sí, que son y para qué hacerlos estaban parado?
Bilderberg, de hecho, es un brazo de la política extranjera de un grupo todo-de gran alcance y totalmente desconocido llamado “el comité de 300” que antepasados eran los British East Indian Tea Company, que línea principal del trabajo no tenía cualquier cosa hacer con la venta de té sino algo con las drogas móviles.
De hecho, el comercio de las drogas entero del mundo es controlado por el hombre más de gran alcance y algunas mujeres en el mundo. Todos pertenecen al comité de 300. He hablado en varias ocasiones con los oficiales profundos de la inteligencia de la cubierta, en Europa y los E.E.U.U., y todos me han dado un cálculo aproximado de los márgenes de beneficio anuales de la droga entre los E.E.U.U. $500-$700 mil millones. La mayor parte de este dinero sucio se recicla a través de todas las bolsas importantes, y después se embolsa como beneficio legítimo.
¿Quién invitar gente que atender reunión Bilderberg, y qué criterio huésped tener que satisfacer para ser invitar?
Bilderberg, de su inicio, ha sido administrado por un núcleo pequeño de personas, designado desde 1954 por un comité de los hombres sabios, que se compone de una silla permanente, una silla americana, europeo y una secretaria y un tesorero americanos. Las invitaciones anuales se envían solamente a la gente importante y respetada que, con su conocimiento especial, los contactos y la influencia personales en círculos nacionales e internacionales, pueden amplificar los objetivos y los recursos del grupo de Bilderberg.
Nadie puede comprar su manera en una reunión de Bilderberg, aunque muchas corporaciones han intentado. El comité de dirección decide quién para invitar - qué el periódico del guarda de Londres conveniente llama una “persona de Bilderberg”, ésa no ha cambiado en 50 años de reuniones secretas - a un socialista de Fabian (traducción: Fabianism cree en lo que describe como “el control democrático de la sociedad en todas sus actividades.” La palabra clave es control del individuo. Esto como lo más mejor posible siendo alcanzado con el gobierno global, una meta que comparte con comunismo) y un entusiasta de la orden de un mundo.
¿Qué medios utilizan para mantener su actividad silenciosa y lejos de los medios?
Los medios grandes del tiempo son parte de la élite del mundo y con el slyness de un esclavo, no necesitan ser dichos por el Bilderbergers para mantener la reunión secreta. La hacen voluntariamente. El poste de Washington, los tiempos de Nueva York, Grupo Prisa en España, Le Monde, el economista, Wall Street Journal, estrella de Toronto, el poste nacional al nombre apenas algunos, realiza completamente las ventajas de cooperating con el Bilderbergers.
También saben que qué sucederá si él es “traicionar” la mayoría del secreto de sociedades secretas. Los periódicos viven y dado anunciando ellos admiten. ¿Sabes simple está para Rockefeller, el primer ministro del Canadá, del Etienne Davingnon, y del otro Bilderbergers influyente para tomar el teléfono y para decir GE, Siemens, Mercedes, Novartis, el etc., a la parada que anuncia en tales y tales medios?
, Como todo el el más grande y las corporaciones más de gran alcance del mundo pertenecer al Bilderbergers, se limpian realmente. Para los convencidos no enteramente qué pueden sucederos, tenemos un caso de Richard Nixon que es destruido en la crisis falsa de Watergate para el mundo entero para ver, como explico en mi nuevo mejor vendedor en el Bilderbergers.
O el caso de la Argentina que es destruida, otra vez, para el mundo entero para ver por la nueva orden del mundo en la guerra del Falkland porque la Argentina estaba dispuesta a vender energía atómica, la fuente más limpia, más barata, y mejor de la energía a México contra los deseos de los amos globales. Así pues, Kissinger dio la orden al ataque.
¿Si el presidente de los E.E.U.U. puede ser puesto de negocio, o se subyugue una nación independiente, qué ocasión, yo te pregunta, un periódico tiene contra el Bilderbergers todo-de gran alcance? Así pues, los medios del grande-tiempo siguen cada dirección y comando fuera tanto como un gemido.
¿Qué considerarías ser coincidencias las “más curiosas” para algunos de los reclutas de Bilderberger?
El ejemplo más dramático de un “recluta útil” era el gobernador obscuro de Arkansas, Bill Clinton, que assistió a su primera reunión de Bilderberg en Baden Baden, Alemania, en 1991. Allí, Clinton fue dicho que qué NAFFA (acuerdo de libre cambio de norteamericano) es por David Rockefeller, y eso él debía apoyarlo. El año próximo, lo eligieron presidente. Tony Blair assistió a una reunión de Bilderberg en 1993, sintió bien al líder del partido en julio de 1994, y sintió bien al primer ministro en mayo de 1997. Se invitó a Juan Edwards a una reunión en 2004, varias semanas de Bilderberg más adelante que fuera vice candidato presidencial de John Kerry “elegido”. El hecho de que no invitaron Edwards detrás este año sugiere a mí que su carrera política sea excedente a propósito él fue desechado como viejo zapato por el Bilderbergers.
¿Qué canadienses han participado en las reuniones anteriores de Bilderberg?
Ha habido muchos sobre los años; esto es justo una lista parcial: Donald S. MacDonald, ex-Financia a ministro; Conrad Black, Ralph Klein, Israel Asper del grupo de CanWestCapital; Lloyd Axworthy, Isabel-Bassett, Parl. Ministro de Hacienda auxiliar de Ontario; Jean Chretien, ordenar A. Cohen de Olympia y de York; Stephane Dion, inundación de A.L., presidente, banco imperial canadiense del comercio; Louise Frechette, diputado secretario general, Naciones Unidas; David Frum del poste nacional; Peter C. Godsoe, presidente y CEO, banco de Nueva Escocia; Allan E. Gotlieb, embajador anterior a los E.E.U.U.; Michael Harris; Donald J. Johnston, secretario general, la OCDE; El servir de Preston; Paul Martin; Stephen Harper; etc.
¿Cuáles son algunos de los objetivos de Bilderberger?
Entre algunos de sus planes más ambiciosos está la creación de un gobierno de un mundo con un solo globalized el mercado, limpiado por un ejército del mundo; una sola modernidad global regulada financieramente por un banco mundial; una iglesia universal como enchufe para acanalar la creencia religiosa inherente de la humanidad en la dirección deseó por la nueva orden del mundo.
El resto de las religiones del mundo serán destruidas; autorización de cuerpos internacionales para destruir totalmente toda la identidad nacional con la subversión de dentro. Solamente los valores universales serán permitidos prosperar en el futuro; creación “de la sociedad post-industrial del cero-crecimiento” (traducción: El crecimiento cero es necesario destruir vestigios de la prosperidad y poder dividir a la sociedad en dueños y esclavos. Cuando hay prosperidad, hay el progreso, que hace la represión mucho más dura ejecutarse) cuál se significa para traer un extremo a toda la industrialización y la producción de la energía eléctrica generada nuclear (a excepción de las industrias de la computadora y de servicio.)
Las industrias canadienses y americanas restantes serán exportadas a los países pobres tales como Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc., donde está barato el trabajo auxiliar. Uno de los objetivos principales para la voluntad de NAFTA entonces se observe; autorización de los Naciones Unidas hasta que se convierte en un comedido, así como un de hecho, gobierno del mundo. Avanzando esta meta creando un impuesto directo de la O.N.U sobre “ciudadanos del mundo,” NAFTA que se amplía a través del hemisferio occidental como preludio a crear una “unión americana” similar a la unión europea; establecer la OTAN como el ejército del mundo de la O.N.U.
¿Cuáles son algunos de los logros de Bilderberger?
Bilderberg propuso y decidía para establecer relaciones formales con China antes de que el administation de Nixon te hiciera la política público sabida. En una reunión en Saltsjöbaden, Suecia, en 1973, Bilderbergers acordó aumentar el precio del aceite a $12 por barril, un salto del 350%, para crear caos económico en los Estados Unidos y la Europa occidental, como parte de “ablandar encima” de la política.
En 1983, Bilderbergers conseguidos una promesa secreta del presidente entonces “ultraconservative” Ronald Reagan de transferir $50 mil millones del dinero de los contribuyentes americanos al tercer mundo y de los países comunistas a través de sus conductos del favorito, el FMI y el banco mundial, para pagar al interés el Bilderbergers debido en sus préstamos a los bancos occidentales. Que el compromiso era más que guardado y se conocía como el plan de Brady.
La decisión Bilderberg-orquestrada de conseguir librada de Margaret Thatcher como primer ministro británico, porque ella opuso el voluntarioso entrega de soberanía británica al estado estupendo europeo diseñado por el Bilderbergers. E incrédulamente, miramos todo como su propio partido la vendió hacia fuera a favor del poodle de Bilderberg - comandante de Juan.
En 1985, Bilderbergers fue pedido para dar el apoyo total a la iniciativa estratégica de la defensa (guerras de la estrella), mucho antes se convirtió en la política oficial de un gobierno de los E.E.U.U., poniéndolo a tierra en la premisa que concedería riquezas ilimitadas a los amos del universo.
En su reunión de 1990 en la ensenada de la cañada, isla larga, en Nueva York, decidían que los impuestos tuvieron que ser aumentados para pagar más hacia la deuda debida a los banqueros internacionales. Bilderberg pidió el Sr de presidente [George] Bush. para aumentar impuestos en 1990, y mirado te para firmar apagado del “acuerdo del presupuesto impuesto-que va de excursión” que lo perdió la elección.
La venta del dólar del multimillion del Hydro de Ontario, que dueño era en ese entonces el gobierno canadiense, fue discutida por primera vez en la reunión de Bilderberg en rey City, Toronto, Canadá, en 1996. Poco después, el Hydro de Ontario era quebrado para arriba en cinco compañías independientes y privatizado.
Los informes escapados de la reunión de 2002 indicaron que la guerra en Iraq había sido retrasada hasta el marzo de 2003 en un momento en que cada periódico im el mundo esperaba que el ataque fuera lanzado en el verano de 2002.
El astillar de Canadá
El astillar de Canadá. Este tema programar originalmente para la discusión en 1997, pero la cobertura de medios inesperada de Bilderberg en la estrella de Toronto, Canadá que conducía diariamente durante la reunión de 1996 en rey City, forzó los globalists para posponer su plan a 2007.
¡Realmente!!! ¡Pienso que nuestros lectores amarían oír los detalles del plan para destruir Canadá!
El largo y el corto de él es que el Bilderbergers planeó la destrucción de Canadá a través del referéndum de Quebec que ellos mismos organizaron, que también ata en esquema de mil millones dólares que inventaron para robar el abastecimiento de agua de Canadá con el proyecto magnífico del canal. Por supuesto, para destruir Canadá, esta gente vil necesitó NAFTA y el GATT como precursor a la unión continental Nosotros-Canadiense antes de 2007. Ése es el resultado previsto. Sin embargo, como bien sabes, no cada plan, no importa cómo está instalado brillante, se puede ejecutar a la perfección.
¿Recuerdas la impulsión “auténtica” de la independencia de Quebec supuesto en 1995? Era toda la una broma. Con mis fuentes de la inteligencia, descubrí que Quebec estaba a parte de Canadá precipitadamente vía un declaración de la independencia unilateral, orquestrado por los políticos canadienses Rockefeller-controlados. La mayor parte de las figuras políticas dominantes en ambos lados, aunque al parecer en la “oposición” el uno al otro, están conectadas con David Rockefeller tal como Brian Mulroney, primer ministro ex; Lucien Bouchard, líder separatista de PQ traído en política por Brian Mulroney; Preston que sirve también controlado por el Rockefeller-Bilderberg combina; Jean Chretien, ministro ex-Primero, partido liberal, controlados por David Rockefeller.)
Dejarme darte un ejemplo:
Juan Rae era un estratega principal para la campaña lectoral de Chretien anterior del primer ministro. Él era también vice presidente ejecutivo de Power Corp. y hombre derecho de Paul Desmarais.
Su hermano es Bob Rae, primero ministro ex-NDP de Ontario (quién ahora está funcionando para la dirección del partido liberal de Canadá), que designó a Maurice fuerte a la presidencia del Hydro de Ontario, que él procedió dramáticamente al corte adentro el amd experto de ambos recursos humanos que generaba capacidad (proporcionar una necesidad futura de la energía de la bahía de James/del canal magnífico.)
Paul Martin, primer ministro de Canadá anterior, se levantó a través de las filas en Power Corp., mentored por Paul Desmarais. Él también assistió a la reunión de 1996 del grupo del the-Bilderberg donde el dismantlement del Hydro de Ontario se discute caliente.
Casan a la hija de Jean Chretien, Francia, con Andre Desmarais, hijo de Paul Desmarais, presidente de Power Corporation. El “consejero, el consejero y el estratega” de Chretien por los últimos 30 años ha sido el sostenido de Mitchell, que trajo Chretien en política cuando él era Ministro de Hacienda. El sostenido ha sido, desde 1981, vice presidente para Norteamérica de la Comisión trilátera de David Rockefeller. Chretien, como tan muchos lackeys, assistió a la reunión de 1996 del grupo de Bilderberg en rey City, Toronto.
Sin embargo, hay mucho más.
Daniel Johnson, líder anterior del partido liberal de Quebec y primero ministro de Quebec en 1994, también se levantó a través de las filas de Power Corp.
Brian Mulroney no necesita ninguna introducción. Él es uno de los primeros ministros odiados de la historia de Canadá. Él era también abogado y un cabildero para Power Corporation y miembro del tablero del Archer-Daniels-Midland, un conglomerado Rockefeller-poseído, que fue dirigido por Dwayne Andreas que, como Rockefeller mismo, es también un miembro del grupo de Bilderberg.
Finalmente, tienes Mike Harris, primero ministro anterior de Ontario, amigo cercano de George Bush y de Paul Martin. Harris, como su colega Ralph Klein de Alberta, es también un Bilderberger.
Así pues, el partido conservador federal anterior (vía Mulroney), el partido liberal (vía Chretien) y los NDP (vía Rae) son todo conectado firmemente con… Paul Desmarais y Power Corp. Y tenemos el primer ministro, el Ministro de Hacienda, y el ayudante dominante todo del primer ministro conectado firmemente con… Paul Desmarais y Power Corp.
Ejecutivos Andre Desmarais del co-jefe de Power Corp., dejado, y Jr. de Paul Desmarais, la derecha, licencia con su padre, Sr de Paul Desmarais., después de la reunión anual de la compañía en Montreal el jueves 11 de mayo de 2006. Sr de Paul Desmarais. estaba obviamente uno de los asistentes en la reunión relativa a este año de Bilderberger.
Si te has preguntado siempre porqué los mismos expertos y políticos, aunque representando al parecer ideologías de oposición, se parecen siempre aparecer en noticias, discusiones políticos, y programas del suceso actual, empujando todo la misma línea, ahora tienes la respuesta.
¿Quién beneficiaría de la separación de Quebec?
La respuesta es el grupo de Bilderberg. El último resultado era una unión continental prevista de los E.E.U.U. y del Canadá por el siglo XXI temprano, en el cual ambos serían regionalizados. Esto haría necesario una nueva constitución para los Estados Unidos que resultan de Norteamérica. Un pedazo fundamental de este rompecabezas de rompecabezas era un “canal magnífico poco sabido” agua-transfiere el proyecto, un esquema estimado al coste entre $80 mil millones y $130 mil millones.
¿Nunca oyó hablar del proyecto continente-ancho del “canal magnífico”? El ser MAGNÍFICO siglas para el gran reciclaje y el desarrollo norteño - considera un dique a través de la bahía de James y la creación de un lago dulce nuevo con el impoundment de los ríos que ahora vacian en la bahía. Esta agua dulce entonces sería bombeada de nuevo al lavabo de Great Lakes y más allá. (Véase el artículo “la destrucción prevista de Canadá” en la aplicación de marcha el abril de 2002 Michael.)
¡No sorprendiendo - el Bilderbergers, el gobierno canadiense, y las putas de los medios tales como Conrad Black y Roberto S. Prichard, presidente del grupo de los medios de Torstar (estrella de Toronto) y de un asistente 2005 de Bilderberg, no son demasiado afilados publicarlo!
Cuando descubrí sobre Rockefeller que financiaba a cada político canadiense, fui detrás y releído todo podría conseguir mis manos en mirar NAFTA. Hay muchos de la charla en NAFTA sobre la “agua de flujo libre que está libre.” ¡Es obvio, no es él! ¿Entonces, por qué está en el documento? Porque cuando pones para arriba los diques, puedes cargar repentinamente para el agua.
Pensar en el dinero. ¿Si tuvieras tu opción, si podrías sacar de un genie una botella, y el genie podría conceder tres deseos, cuáles tus tres deseos serían? ¿Recordar que tu meta es hacer la mayoría del dinero posible? Numerar uno, darme el control sobre el sol. El número dos, me da control sobre el aire. El número tres, me da control sobre el agua. Ahora, dejando nuestro poco genie a un lado, sabemos que no podemos controlar el sol, ni podemos controlamos el aire, pero podemos controlar el agua. En la escala de las cosas que se requieren para la vida humana, es el elemento más importante que puede ser controlado.
El Bilderbergers pensó que podrían conseguir lejos con otro apagón de los medios. Para no ser. Cuando los medios canadienses consiguieron el viento de él, se separó rápidamente como wildfire. Un chorrito dio vuelta en un downpour torrencial, y los canadienses estaban encendido a ellos. Es una cosa para no divulgar las noticias, absolutamente otras para ser un cómplice en la destrucción voluntariosa de tu propio país. En expediente, ésa era su derrota peor siempre.
Daniel Estulin
Este artículo fue publicado en la aplicación de Junio-Julio el agosto de 2006 “Michael”.
Conspiring to achieve a world government.
The November-December, 2005 issue of the Kingston Eye Opener (Box 3514, Kingston, ON, Canada, K7L 5J9) published an interview of editor Geoff Matthews with Daniel Estulin, Communications Training Specialist, who wrote a book on the Bilderbergers:
Daniel, could you please define Bilderberg for our readers.
Bilderberg is not a person, but an idea. It is an idea centred on the perception of man as intrinsically evil. Humanity cannot gain its freedom from synarchism unless it defeats the idealism that it represents. It is the idea that creates the policies of state which rip up the tallest constitutions and drag humanity into war from the highest position of power. That is why it must be acknowledged that World War II has not been won in real terms. A single man and his clique had been brought down in this war at a cost of a hundred million lives lost, but the idea behind them had not been defeated. The idea has now come to roost in America, and has infested its platform of business, its economy, its institutions for learning, and finally, its highest position of government.
The 2006 meeting of the Bilderbegers took place June 8-10 at the Brookstreet Hotel, in Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa police officers were standing guard outside a dozen metal gates that served as security checkpoints a half kilometre from the hotel. But to approach the hotel property, even uniformed officers had to show their credentials to the half -dozen black-suited men working for a private security firm hired by the Bilderbergers.
Some of this year's attendees were pictured on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen: from left to right, first row: David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission and former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; Frank McKenna, former Premier of New Brunswick and ex-ambassador to the U.S.; Gordon Nixon, President and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada; second row: James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank; Richard Perle, assistant secretary of defence to U.S. President Reagan and advisor of present President Bush; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Who was the most prominent individual involved with the founding of the Bilderbergers?
Without a doubt, Joseph Retinger, a 33rd degree mason. He was the political aide to General Sikorski, and served for the London-based Polish government-in-exile. In addition, at the age of 58, he parachuted into German-occupied territory outside Warsaw for some sabotage missions.
Due to his high-profile career, in the 1950s he was able to create contacts with numerous high-ranking military officials and political leaders. His main aim was to unite the world in peace. His peace dividend was to be under the control of supranational, powerful organisations. He believed that such organisations would be immune from short-term ideological conflicts erupting between governments. To Retinger, it was insignificant what dominated the economic ideology of a country. He believed these differences could be brought into line by powerful multinational organisations dictating and applying powerful economic and military policies, thereby creating a union and a bond between the nations.
Oh really!? I thought that it was Prince Bernhard of Holland who actually founded the secret Club.
Bernhard was a poster boy. A pretty face and a facade. In 1952, Retinger approached Bernhard with a proposal for a secret conference to involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors. Prince Bernhard, at the time, was an important figure in the oil industry and held a major position in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil), as well as Société Générale de Belgique — a powerful global corporation.
In which ways (people, institutions, etc.) are the decisions of the Club “networked” and forwarded in the level of international organizations, the media, banks, states and governments in a way that they can be implemented?
You know, everywhere you look — government, big business, and any other institution seeking to exercise power — the key is secrecy. Meetings such as those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the G-8, World Trade Organisation, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, the European Union Council of Ministers and the EU Commission, EU summits, government cabinet meetings, numerous think tanks, etc., are always conducted behind closed doors. The only possible reason for this is that they don't want you and me to know what they are really up to. That well worn excuse for keeping things under wraps — “it is not in the public interest” really means that it is not in the interest of the powers that be that the public should know.
However there is, in addition, a network of private forums and meetings that take place where the secrecy principle extends to the forums and meetings themselves — by and large, we don't even know that they are taking place, let alone what is being planned and discussed.
There's the World Economic Forum at Davos in January/February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in June/July, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September. A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next. But no one's really leading it. This consensus becomes the background for G8 economic communiqués; it becomes what informs the IMF when it imposes an adjustment programme on Argentina; and it becomes what the US President proposes to Congress.
With what other international centres of power/authority does the Club cooperate and in what aspect?
Bilderberg controls the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, all the European Central Banks. Every prominent European commissioner has at one time or another attended a Bilderberger meeting. Every NATO general secretary is a Bilderberger. You see what we are up against.
Are there any other centres of power/authority that are considered opposite/rival to the Club? If yes, which are they and what do they stand for?
Bilderberg, in fact, is a foreign policy arm of an all-powerful and completely unknown group called “The Committee of 300” whose ancestors were the British East Indian Tea Company, whose main line of work didn't have anything to do with selling tea but rather with moving drugs.
In fact, the entire world drug trade is controlled by the most powerful man and a few women in the world. All of them belong to the Committee of 300. I have spoken on several occasions with deep cover intelligence officers, both in Europe and the US, and all of them have given me a rough estimate of annual drug profit margins between US $500-$700 billion. Most of this dirty money is recycled through all the major stock markets, and then pocketed as a legitimate profit.
Who invites the people that attend the gatherings of the Bilderberg, and what criteria do the guests have to fulfil in order to be invited?
Bilderberg, from its inception, has been administered by a small nucleus of persons, appointed since 1954 by a committee of the wise men, which is made up of a permanent chair, an American chair, European and an American secretary and treasurer. The annual invitations are only sent out to important and respected people who, through their special knowledge, personal contacts and influence in national and international circles, can amplify the objectives and resources of the Bilderberg Group.
Nobody can buy their way into a Bilderberg meeting, although many corporations have tried. The steering committee decides who to invite — what the Guardian newspaper of London aptly calls a “Bilderberg person”, that hasn't changed in 50 years of secret meetings — a Fabian Socialist (Translation: Fabianism believes in what it describes as “the democratic control of society in all its activities.” The key word is control of the individual. This as being best achieved through global government, a goal it shares with Communism) and a One World Order enthusiast.
What means do they use in order to keep their activity silent and away from the media?
Big time media is part of the world elite and with the slyness of a slave, they don't need to be told by the Bilderbergers to keep the meeting secret. They do it voluntarily. The Washington Post, The New York Times, Grupo Prisa in Spain, Le Monde, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, Toronto Star, the National Post to name just a few, fully realize the advantages of cooperating with the Bilderbergers.
They also know what will happen if they are to “betray” the most secret of secret societies. Newspapers live and die by the advertising they take in. Do you know how simple it is for Rockefeller, the Prime Minister of Canada, Etienne Davingnon, and other influential Bilderbergers to pick up the phone and tell GE, Siemens, Mercedes, Novartis, etc., to stop advertising in such and such media?
Actually, as all the biggest and the most powerful corporations in the world belong to the Bilderbergers, they police themselves. For those not entirely convinced what may happen to them, we have a case of Richard Nixon being destroyed in the false Watergate crisis for the entire world to see, as I explain in my new best seller on the Bilderbergers.
Or the case of Argentina being destroyed, again, for the whole world to see by the New World Order in the Falkland's War because Argentina was willing to sell nuclear power, the cleanest, cheapest, and best source of energy to Mexico against the wishes of the Global Masters. So, Kissinger gave the order to attack.
If the President of the US can be put out of business, or an independent nation be subjugated, what chance, I ask you, does a newspaper have against the all-powerful Bilderbergers? So, the big-time media follows every direction and command without as much as a whimper.
What would you consider to be the more “curious coincidences” for some of Bilderberger recruits?
The most dramatic example of a “useful recruit” was the obscure governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who attended his first Bilderberg meeting at Baden Baden, Germany, in 1991. There, Clinton was told what NAFFA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is by David Rockefeller, and that he was to support it. The next year, he was elected President. Tony Blair attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1993, became party leader in July 1994, and became Prime Minister in May 1997. John Edwards was invited to a Bilderberg meeting in 2004, several weeks later to be “chosen” John Kerry's Vice Presidential candidate. The fact that Edwards wasn't invited back this year suggests to me that his political career is over by the way he was discarded as an old shoe by the Bilderbergers.
What Canadians have participated in previous Bilderberg meetings?
There have been many over the years; this is just a partial list: Donald S. MacDonald, ex-Finance Minister; Conrad Black, Ralph Klein, Israel Asper of the CanWestCapital Group; Lloyd Axworthy, Isabel-Bassett, Parl. Assistant Finance Minister of Ontario; Jean Chretien, Marshall A. Cohen of Olympia & York; Stephane Dion, A.L. Flood, Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations; David Frum from the National Post; Peter C. Godsoe, Chairman and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia; Allan E. Gotlieb, former Ambassador to the US; Michael Harris; Donald J. Johnston, Secretary-General, OECD; Preston Manning; Paul Martin; Stephen Harper; etc.
What are some of the Bilderberger objectives?
Amongst some of their more ambitious plans are the creation of a One World Government with a single globalized marketplace, policed by a world army; a single global currency financially regulated by a world bank; a universal church as an outlet to channel mankind's inherent religious belief in the direction desired by the New World Order.
All other religions of the world will be destroyed; empowering international bodies to completely destroy all national identity through subversion from within. Only universal values will be allowed to flourish in the future; creation of “the post-industrial zero-growth society” (Translation: Zero growth is necessary to destroy vestiges of prosperity and be able to divide the society into owners and slaves. When there is prosperity, there is progress, which makes repression a lot harder to execute) which is meant to bring an end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power (except for the computer and service industries.)
The remaining Canadian and American industries will be exported to poor countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc., where slave labor is cheap. One of the principal objectives for NAFTA will then be realized; empowering the United Nations until it becomes a demure, as well as a de facto, world government. Advancing this goal by creating a direct UN tax on “world citizens,” expanding NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere as a prelude to creating an “American Union” similar to the European Union; establishing NATO as the UN's world army.
What are some of Bilderberger achievements?
Bilderberg proposed and decided to establish formal relations with China before Nixon's administation made it publicly known policy. At a meeting in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, in 1973, Bilderbergers agreed to increase the price of oil to $12 a barrel, a 350% jump, in order to create economic chaos in the United States and Western Europe, as part of the “softening up” policy.
In 1983, Bilderbergers got a secret promise out of the then “ultraconservative” President Ronald Reagan to transfer $50 billion of American taxpayers' money to the Third World and communist countries through its favourite conduits, the IMF and the World Bank, in order to pay the interest the Bilderbergers owed on their loans to the Western banks. That pledge was more than kept and became known as the Brady Plan.
The Bilderberg-orchestrated decision of getting rid of Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister, because she opposed the wilful hand-over of British sovereignty to the European Super State designed by the Bilderbergers. And incredulously, we all watched as her own party sold her out in favour of the Bilderberg poodle — John Major.
In 1985, Bilderbergers were ordered to give full support to the Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars), long before it became the official policy of a US government, grounding it on the premise that it would grant unlimited riches to the Masters of the Universe.
At their 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, Long Island, in New York, they decided that taxes had to be raised to pay more towards the debt owed to the International Bankers. Bilderberg ordered President [George] Bush Sr. to increase taxes in 1990, and watched him sign off of the tax-hiking “budget agreement” that lost him the election.
The multimillion dollar sale of Ontario Hydro, whose owner at the time was the Canadian Government, was discussed for the first time at the Bilderberg meeting in King City, Toronto, Canada, in 1996. Shortly after, Ontario Hydro was broken up into five independent companies and privatised.
Leaked reports from the 2002 meeting stated that the war in Iraq had been delayed until March 2003 at a time when every newspaper im the world was expecting the attack to be launched in the summer of 2002.
Splintering of Canada
Splintering of Canada. This theme was originally scheduled for discussion in 1997, but unexpected Bilderberg media coverage in the Toronto Star, Canada's leading daily during the 1996 meeting in King City, forced the globalists to postpone their plan to 2007.
Really!!! I think our readers would love to hear the details of the plan to destroy Canada!
The long and short of it is that the Bilderbergers planned the destruction of Canada through the Quebec referendum which they themselves organised, which also ties into a billion dollar scheme they concocted to steal Canada's water supply through the Grand Canal project. Of course, to destroy Canada, these vile people needed NAFTA and GATT as a precursor to US-Canadian continental union by 2007. That's the intended result. However, as you well know, not every plan, no matter how brilliantly set up, can be executed to perfection.
Do you remember Quebec's supposedly “authentic” independence drive in 1995? It was all a hoax. Through my intelligence sources, I discovered that Quebec was to separate from Canada abruptly via a Unilateral Declaration of Independence, orchestrated by the Rockefeller-controlled Canadian politicians. Most of the key political figures on both sides, though apparently in “opposition” to each other, are connected to David Rockefeller such as Brian Mulroney, ex Prime Minister; Lucien Bouchard, separatist PQ leader brought into politics by Brian Mulroney; Preston Manning also controlled by the Rockefeller-Bilderberg combines; Jean Chretien, ex-Prime Minister, liberal party, controlled by David Rockefeller.)
Let me give you an example:
John Rae was a leading strategist for former Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. He was also an Executive Vice-President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right-hand man.
His brother is Bob Rae, ex-NDP Premier of Ontario (who is now running for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada), who appointed Maurice Strong to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceeded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources amd generating capacity (to provide a future need for power from James Bay/Grand Canal.)
Paul Martin, former Canada's Prime Minister, rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. He also attended the 1996 meeting of the-Bilderberg Group where the dismantlement of Ontario Hydro is hotly debated.
Jean Chretien's daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's “advisor, counsellor and strategist” for the past 30 years has been Mitchell Sharp, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. Chretien, like so many lackeys, attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group in King City, Toronto.
However, there is much more.
Daniel Johnson, former leader of the Quebec Liberal party and Quebec Premier in 1994, also rose through the ranks of Power Corp.
Brian Mulroney needs no introduction. He is one of the most hated Prime Ministers in Canada's history. He was also a lawyer and a lobbyist for Power Corporation and a member of the board of Archer-Daniels-Midland, a Rockefeller-owned conglomerate, which was headed by Dwayne Andreas who, like Rockefeller himself, is also a member of the Bilderberg Group.
Finally, you have Mike Harris, former Premier of Ontario, close friend of George Bush and Paul Martin. Harris, like his colleague Ralph Klein of Alberta, is also a Bilderberger.
So, the former federal Conservative Party (via Mulroney), the Liberal Party (via Chretien) and the NDP (via Rae) are all tightly connected to... Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to... Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.
Power Corp. co-chief executives Andre Desmarais, left, and Paul Desmarais Jr., right, leave with their father, Paul Desmarais Sr., after the company's annual meeting in Montreal Thursday, May 11, 2006. Paul Desmarais Sr. was obviously one of the attendees at this year's Bilderberger meeting.
If you have ever wondered why the same experts and politicians, though apparently representing opposing ideologies, always seem to appear on news, political debates, and current event programs, all pushing the same line, now you have the answer.
Who would benefit from Quebec's separation?
The answer is the Bilderberg Group. The ultimate outcome was a planned Continental Union of the U.S. and Canada by the early 21st century, in which both would be regionalized. This would necessitate a new Constitution for the resulting United States of North America. A fundamental piece of this jigsaw puzzle was a little known “Grand Canal” water-transfer project, a scheme estimated to cost between $80 billion and $130 billion.
Never heard of the continent-wide “Grand Canal” project? GRAND being an acronym for Great Recycling and Northern Development — envisages a dike across James Bay and the creation of a new fresh-water lake through the impoundment of rivers that now empty into the bay. This fresh water would then be pumped back to the Great Lakes basin and beyond. (See the article “The planned destruction of Canada” in the March-April, 2002 issue of Michael.)
Not surprising — the Bilderbergers, the Canadian Government, and the media whores such as Conrad Black and Robert S. Prichard, president of Torstar Media Group (Toronto Star) and a 2005 Bilderberg attendee, aren't too keen to publicize it!
When I found out about Rockefeller financing every Canadian politician, I went back and re-read everything I could get my hands on regarding NAFTA. There is a lot of talk in NAFTA about “free flowing water being free.” It is obvious, isn't it! Then, why is it in the document? Because when you put up dikes, you can suddenly charge for the water.
Think of money. If you had your choice, if you could pull a genie out of a bottle, and the genie could grant three wishes, what would your three wishes be? Remember your goal is to make the most money possible? Number one, give me control over the sun. Number two, give me control over the air. Number three, give me control over water. Now, leaving our little genie aside, we know we cannot control the sun, nor can we control the air, but we can control water. On the scale of things that are required for human life, it is the most important element that can be controlled.
The Bilderbergers thought they could get away with another media blackout. Not to be. When Canadian media got wind of it, it quickly spread like wildfire. A trickle turned into a torrential downpour, and Canadians were on to them. It is one thing not to report the news, quite another to be an accomplice in the willful destruction of your own country. On record, that was their worst defeat ever.
Daniel Estulin
This article was published in the June-July-August, 2006 issue of “Michael”.
Daniel, could you please define Bilderberg for our readers.
Bilderberg is not a person, but an idea. It is an idea centred on the perception of man as intrinsically evil. Humanity cannot gain its freedom from synarchism unless it defeats the idealism that it represents. It is the idea that creates the policies of state which rip up the tallest constitutions and drag humanity into war from the highest position of power. That is why it must be acknowledged that World War II has not been won in real terms. A single man and his clique had been brought down in this war at a cost of a hundred million lives lost, but the idea behind them had not been defeated. The idea has now come to roost in America, and has infested its platform of business, its economy, its institutions for learning, and finally, its highest position of government.
The 2006 meeting of the Bilderbegers took place June 8-10 at the Brookstreet Hotel, in Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa police officers were standing guard outside a dozen metal gates that served as security checkpoints a half kilometre from the hotel. But to approach the hotel property, even uniformed officers had to show their credentials to the half -dozen black-suited men working for a private security firm hired by the Bilderbergers.
Some of this year's attendees were pictured on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen: from left to right, first row: David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission and former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; Frank McKenna, former Premier of New Brunswick and ex-ambassador to the U.S.; Gordon Nixon, President and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada; second row: James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank; Richard Perle, assistant secretary of defence to U.S. President Reagan and advisor of present President Bush; Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Who was the most prominent individual involved with the founding of the Bilderbergers?
Without a doubt, Joseph Retinger, a 33rd degree mason. He was the political aide to General Sikorski, and served for the London-based Polish government-in-exile. In addition, at the age of 58, he parachuted into German-occupied territory outside Warsaw for some sabotage missions.
Due to his high-profile career, in the 1950s he was able to create contacts with numerous high-ranking military officials and political leaders. His main aim was to unite the world in peace. His peace dividend was to be under the control of supranational, powerful organisations. He believed that such organisations would be immune from short-term ideological conflicts erupting between governments. To Retinger, it was insignificant what dominated the economic ideology of a country. He believed these differences could be brought into line by powerful multinational organisations dictating and applying powerful economic and military policies, thereby creating a union and a bond between the nations.
Oh really!? I thought that it was Prince Bernhard of Holland who actually founded the secret Club.
Bernhard was a poster boy. A pretty face and a facade. In 1952, Retinger approached Bernhard with a proposal for a secret conference to involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors. Prince Bernhard, at the time, was an important figure in the oil industry and held a major position in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil), as well as Société Générale de Belgique — a powerful global corporation.
In which ways (people, institutions, etc.) are the decisions of the Club “networked” and forwarded in the level of international organizations, the media, banks, states and governments in a way that they can be implemented?
You know, everywhere you look — government, big business, and any other institution seeking to exercise power — the key is secrecy. Meetings such as those of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the G-8, World Trade Organisation, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, the European Union Council of Ministers and the EU Commission, EU summits, government cabinet meetings, numerous think tanks, etc., are always conducted behind closed doors. The only possible reason for this is that they don't want you and me to know what they are really up to. That well worn excuse for keeping things under wraps — “it is not in the public interest” really means that it is not in the interest of the powers that be that the public should know.
However there is, in addition, a network of private forums and meetings that take place where the secrecy principle extends to the forums and meetings themselves — by and large, we don't even know that they are taking place, let alone what is being planned and discussed.
There's the World Economic Forum at Davos in January/February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in June/July, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September. A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next. But no one's really leading it. This consensus becomes the background for G8 economic communiqués; it becomes what informs the IMF when it imposes an adjustment programme on Argentina; and it becomes what the US President proposes to Congress.
With what other international centres of power/authority does the Club cooperate and in what aspect?
Bilderberg controls the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, all the European Central Banks. Every prominent European commissioner has at one time or another attended a Bilderberger meeting. Every NATO general secretary is a Bilderberger. You see what we are up against.
Are there any other centres of power/authority that are considered opposite/rival to the Club? If yes, which are they and what do they stand for?
Bilderberg, in fact, is a foreign policy arm of an all-powerful and completely unknown group called “The Committee of 300” whose ancestors were the British East Indian Tea Company, whose main line of work didn't have anything to do with selling tea but rather with moving drugs.
In fact, the entire world drug trade is controlled by the most powerful man and a few women in the world. All of them belong to the Committee of 300. I have spoken on several occasions with deep cover intelligence officers, both in Europe and the US, and all of them have given me a rough estimate of annual drug profit margins between US $500-$700 billion. Most of this dirty money is recycled through all the major stock markets, and then pocketed as a legitimate profit.
Who invites the people that attend the gatherings of the Bilderberg, and what criteria do the guests have to fulfil in order to be invited?
Bilderberg, from its inception, has been administered by a small nucleus of persons, appointed since 1954 by a committee of the wise men, which is made up of a permanent chair, an American chair, European and an American secretary and treasurer. The annual invitations are only sent out to important and respected people who, through their special knowledge, personal contacts and influence in national and international circles, can amplify the objectives and resources of the Bilderberg Group.
Nobody can buy their way into a Bilderberg meeting, although many corporations have tried. The steering committee decides who to invite — what the Guardian newspaper of London aptly calls a “Bilderberg person”, that hasn't changed in 50 years of secret meetings — a Fabian Socialist (Translation: Fabianism believes in what it describes as “the democratic control of society in all its activities.” The key word is control of the individual. This as being best achieved through global government, a goal it shares with Communism) and a One World Order enthusiast.
What means do they use in order to keep their activity silent and away from the media?
Big time media is part of the world elite and with the slyness of a slave, they don't need to be told by the Bilderbergers to keep the meeting secret. They do it voluntarily. The Washington Post, The New York Times, Grupo Prisa in Spain, Le Monde, The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, Toronto Star, the National Post to name just a few, fully realize the advantages of cooperating with the Bilderbergers.
They also know what will happen if they are to “betray” the most secret of secret societies. Newspapers live and die by the advertising they take in. Do you know how simple it is for Rockefeller, the Prime Minister of Canada, Etienne Davingnon, and other influential Bilderbergers to pick up the phone and tell GE, Siemens, Mercedes, Novartis, etc., to stop advertising in such and such media?
Actually, as all the biggest and the most powerful corporations in the world belong to the Bilderbergers, they police themselves. For those not entirely convinced what may happen to them, we have a case of Richard Nixon being destroyed in the false Watergate crisis for the entire world to see, as I explain in my new best seller on the Bilderbergers.
Or the case of Argentina being destroyed, again, for the whole world to see by the New World Order in the Falkland's War because Argentina was willing to sell nuclear power, the cleanest, cheapest, and best source of energy to Mexico against the wishes of the Global Masters. So, Kissinger gave the order to attack.
If the President of the US can be put out of business, or an independent nation be subjugated, what chance, I ask you, does a newspaper have against the all-powerful Bilderbergers? So, the big-time media follows every direction and command without as much as a whimper.
What would you consider to be the more “curious coincidences” for some of Bilderberger recruits?
The most dramatic example of a “useful recruit” was the obscure governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who attended his first Bilderberg meeting at Baden Baden, Germany, in 1991. There, Clinton was told what NAFFA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is by David Rockefeller, and that he was to support it. The next year, he was elected President. Tony Blair attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1993, became party leader in July 1994, and became Prime Minister in May 1997. John Edwards was invited to a Bilderberg meeting in 2004, several weeks later to be “chosen” John Kerry's Vice Presidential candidate. The fact that Edwards wasn't invited back this year suggests to me that his political career is over by the way he was discarded as an old shoe by the Bilderbergers.
What Canadians have participated in previous Bilderberg meetings?
There have been many over the years; this is just a partial list: Donald S. MacDonald, ex-Finance Minister; Conrad Black, Ralph Klein, Israel Asper of the CanWestCapital Group; Lloyd Axworthy, Isabel-Bassett, Parl. Assistant Finance Minister of Ontario; Jean Chretien, Marshall A. Cohen of Olympia & York; Stephane Dion, A.L. Flood, Chairman, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Louise Frechette, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations; David Frum from the National Post; Peter C. Godsoe, Chairman and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia; Allan E. Gotlieb, former Ambassador to the US; Michael Harris; Donald J. Johnston, Secretary-General, OECD; Preston Manning; Paul Martin; Stephen Harper; etc.
What are some of the Bilderberger objectives?
Amongst some of their more ambitious plans are the creation of a One World Government with a single globalized marketplace, policed by a world army; a single global currency financially regulated by a world bank; a universal church as an outlet to channel mankind's inherent religious belief in the direction desired by the New World Order.
All other religions of the world will be destroyed; empowering international bodies to completely destroy all national identity through subversion from within. Only universal values will be allowed to flourish in the future; creation of “the post-industrial zero-growth society” (Translation: Zero growth is necessary to destroy vestiges of prosperity and be able to divide the society into owners and slaves. When there is prosperity, there is progress, which makes repression a lot harder to execute) which is meant to bring an end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power (except for the computer and service industries.)
The remaining Canadian and American industries will be exported to poor countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, etc., where slave labor is cheap. One of the principal objectives for NAFTA will then be realized; empowering the United Nations until it becomes a demure, as well as a de facto, world government. Advancing this goal by creating a direct UN tax on “world citizens,” expanding NAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere as a prelude to creating an “American Union” similar to the European Union; establishing NATO as the UN's world army.
What are some of Bilderberger achievements?
Bilderberg proposed and decided to establish formal relations with China before Nixon's administation made it publicly known policy. At a meeting in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden, in 1973, Bilderbergers agreed to increase the price of oil to $12 a barrel, a 350% jump, in order to create economic chaos in the United States and Western Europe, as part of the “softening up” policy.
In 1983, Bilderbergers got a secret promise out of the then “ultraconservative” President Ronald Reagan to transfer $50 billion of American taxpayers' money to the Third World and communist countries through its favourite conduits, the IMF and the World Bank, in order to pay the interest the Bilderbergers owed on their loans to the Western banks. That pledge was more than kept and became known as the Brady Plan.
The Bilderberg-orchestrated decision of getting rid of Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister, because she opposed the wilful hand-over of British sovereignty to the European Super State designed by the Bilderbergers. And incredulously, we all watched as her own party sold her out in favour of the Bilderberg poodle — John Major.
In 1985, Bilderbergers were ordered to give full support to the Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars), long before it became the official policy of a US government, grounding it on the premise that it would grant unlimited riches to the Masters of the Universe.
At their 1990 meeting at Glen Cove, Long Island, in New York, they decided that taxes had to be raised to pay more towards the debt owed to the International Bankers. Bilderberg ordered President [George] Bush Sr. to increase taxes in 1990, and watched him sign off of the tax-hiking “budget agreement” that lost him the election.
The multimillion dollar sale of Ontario Hydro, whose owner at the time was the Canadian Government, was discussed for the first time at the Bilderberg meeting in King City, Toronto, Canada, in 1996. Shortly after, Ontario Hydro was broken up into five independent companies and privatised.
Leaked reports from the 2002 meeting stated that the war in Iraq had been delayed until March 2003 at a time when every newspaper im the world was expecting the attack to be launched in the summer of 2002.
Splintering of Canada
Splintering of Canada. This theme was originally scheduled for discussion in 1997, but unexpected Bilderberg media coverage in the Toronto Star, Canada's leading daily during the 1996 meeting in King City, forced the globalists to postpone their plan to 2007.
Really!!! I think our readers would love to hear the details of the plan to destroy Canada!
The long and short of it is that the Bilderbergers planned the destruction of Canada through the Quebec referendum which they themselves organised, which also ties into a billion dollar scheme they concocted to steal Canada's water supply through the Grand Canal project. Of course, to destroy Canada, these vile people needed NAFTA and GATT as a precursor to US-Canadian continental union by 2007. That's the intended result. However, as you well know, not every plan, no matter how brilliantly set up, can be executed to perfection.
Do you remember Quebec's supposedly “authentic” independence drive in 1995? It was all a hoax. Through my intelligence sources, I discovered that Quebec was to separate from Canada abruptly via a Unilateral Declaration of Independence, orchestrated by the Rockefeller-controlled Canadian politicians. Most of the key political figures on both sides, though apparently in “opposition” to each other, are connected to David Rockefeller such as Brian Mulroney, ex Prime Minister; Lucien Bouchard, separatist PQ leader brought into politics by Brian Mulroney; Preston Manning also controlled by the Rockefeller-Bilderberg combines; Jean Chretien, ex-Prime Minister, liberal party, controlled by David Rockefeller.)
Let me give you an example:
John Rae was a leading strategist for former Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. He was also an Executive Vice-President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right-hand man.
His brother is Bob Rae, ex-NDP Premier of Ontario (who is now running for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada), who appointed Maurice Strong to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceeded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources amd generating capacity (to provide a future need for power from James Bay/Grand Canal.)
Paul Martin, former Canada's Prime Minister, rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. He also attended the 1996 meeting of the-Bilderberg Group where the dismantlement of Ontario Hydro is hotly debated.
Jean Chretien's daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's “advisor, counsellor and strategist” for the past 30 years has been Mitchell Sharp, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. Chretien, like so many lackeys, attended the 1996 meeting of the Bilderberg Group in King City, Toronto.
However, there is much more.
Daniel Johnson, former leader of the Quebec Liberal party and Quebec Premier in 1994, also rose through the ranks of Power Corp.
Brian Mulroney needs no introduction. He is one of the most hated Prime Ministers in Canada's history. He was also a lawyer and a lobbyist for Power Corporation and a member of the board of Archer-Daniels-Midland, a Rockefeller-owned conglomerate, which was headed by Dwayne Andreas who, like Rockefeller himself, is also a member of the Bilderberg Group.
Finally, you have Mike Harris, former Premier of Ontario, close friend of George Bush and Paul Martin. Harris, like his colleague Ralph Klein of Alberta, is also a Bilderberger.
So, the former federal Conservative Party (via Mulroney), the Liberal Party (via Chretien) and the NDP (via Rae) are all tightly connected to... Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to... Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.
Power Corp. co-chief executives Andre Desmarais, left, and Paul Desmarais Jr., right, leave with their father, Paul Desmarais Sr., after the company's annual meeting in Montreal Thursday, May 11, 2006. Paul Desmarais Sr. was obviously one of the attendees at this year's Bilderberger meeting.
If you have ever wondered why the same experts and politicians, though apparently representing opposing ideologies, always seem to appear on news, political debates, and current event programs, all pushing the same line, now you have the answer.
Who would benefit from Quebec's separation?
The answer is the Bilderberg Group. The ultimate outcome was a planned Continental Union of the U.S. and Canada by the early 21st century, in which both would be regionalized. This would necessitate a new Constitution for the resulting United States of North America. A fundamental piece of this jigsaw puzzle was a little known “Grand Canal” water-transfer project, a scheme estimated to cost between $80 billion and $130 billion.
Never heard of the continent-wide “Grand Canal” project? GRAND being an acronym for Great Recycling and Northern Development — envisages a dike across James Bay and the creation of a new fresh-water lake through the impoundment of rivers that now empty into the bay. This fresh water would then be pumped back to the Great Lakes basin and beyond. (See the article “The planned destruction of Canada” in the March-April, 2002 issue of Michael.)
Not surprising — the Bilderbergers, the Canadian Government, and the media whores such as Conrad Black and Robert S. Prichard, president of Torstar Media Group (Toronto Star) and a 2005 Bilderberg attendee, aren't too keen to publicize it!
When I found out about Rockefeller financing every Canadian politician, I went back and re-read everything I could get my hands on regarding NAFTA. There is a lot of talk in NAFTA about “free flowing water being free.” It is obvious, isn't it! Then, why is it in the document? Because when you put up dikes, you can suddenly charge for the water.
Think of money. If you had your choice, if you could pull a genie out of a bottle, and the genie could grant three wishes, what would your three wishes be? Remember your goal is to make the most money possible? Number one, give me control over the sun. Number two, give me control over the air. Number three, give me control over water. Now, leaving our little genie aside, we know we cannot control the sun, nor can we control the air, but we can control water. On the scale of things that are required for human life, it is the most important element that can be controlled.
The Bilderbergers thought they could get away with another media blackout. Not to be. When Canadian media got wind of it, it quickly spread like wildfire. A trickle turned into a torrential downpour, and Canadians were on to them. It is one thing not to report the news, quite another to be an accomplice in the willful destruction of your own country. On record, that was their worst defeat ever.
Daniel Estulin
This article was published in the June-July-August, 2006 issue of “Michael”.